Vocational Education

The transition from high school to young adulthood is a critical stage for all teenagers. Factors to consider include post-secondary education, the development of career and vocational skills, as well as the ability to live independently. Because NCPS understands that our students may require extra planning and goal setting to be successful transitioning into adulthood, we have designated a weekly vocational education class for all grade levels.

Middle school students will emphasize career exploration by completing interest surveys, and exploring which careers highlight their interests. Over the years we have found that one of the most importance lessons to teach middle school students is the importance of identifying personal strengths. The process of self-awareness often comes later for students on the autism spectrum and for special education students.

High school students will focus on all aspects of employment, college and life management and financial skills development. Students will visit various colleges, have guest speakers and utilize technology throughout their vocational and transitional planning.

NCPS is dedicated to helping our students become successful and independent. With the proper support, planning and education, we are confident that our students can overcome any obstacles and achieve their goals.