What's Happening This Month?

December 2016

Image result for holiday season

December is always a fun month at NCPS.  This month will be filled with homeroom contests, school spirit days, performances, and holidays!

Friday, December 2nd: Door Decorating Contest

Homerooms compete with each other to create a seasonal door for their classroom using only a few materials.  The winning homeroom earns a pizza party!

Wednesday, December 14th: Ugly Sweater Spirit Day

Come dressed in your most festive, or ugliest, holiday sweater to show your school spirit!

Wednesday, December 14th: Jingle Jam

Our annual holiday concert will be held in the cafeteria.  Music, skits, and jokes galore, this is always a highlight of the holiday season.  If you wish to see your student perform, please arrive by 9:00am and check in with Ms. Lopez at the front desk.

Wednesday, December 14th - Friday, December 16th: Minimum Days

Dismissal will be at 11:30.  Lunch will not be served.


Happy Holidays to All!  Please enjoy a safe and relaxing winter break with your family!

School will resume on Tuesday, January 3, 2017


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